Ask How does new student do in case of no access to Dr. Chup Building?

AnsNew student can go to register his/her student ID. card at 9th floor, Siam. Building, activate it by pressing on wood kiosk and wait 24 hours for approval.


Ask Can student and NIDA staff reserve courts more than 1 day or a week prior to usage?

Ans No, student and NIDA staff can reserve courts day by day starting from 12 a.m. onward.


Ask Are there any sport equipments loaning service at the stadium in case of no sport equipment?

Ans Yes, there are all sport equipment loaning service for example racquet-shuttle cock, racquet-table tennis ball, basket ball, football and etc.


Ask Can NIDA student take his/her family members or friends to play sports together at the stadium?

Ans No, persons who have right to use indoor stadium are current students, alumni, NIDA staff, and staffs family member (restricted to husband or wife and children)


Ask How does alumni or staffs family members apply for indoor stadium and fitness usage?

Ans Please download application form for NIDA Sport Club here, prepare all required documents and submit to staff at public relation room, 2nd floor, Dr. Chup Choop Kanjanaprakorn Building. Our staff will proceed for your card within 2 week.